What syntax should I use to provide regex?

The correct form of regular expression is delimiter{pattern}delimiter, f.e. /^([a-z]*)$/i or @^(?:http://)?([^/]+)@i. Every form compatible with functions checking correctness of regular expressions in PHP are allowed (example).

Why should I type pattern with delimiters?

The reason is obvious. With delimiters you have a chance to add modifiers to the regexp. Otherwise script will automatically add / at the beginning and / at the end of the pattern.

Can I add any content to the tester?

Generally, the user determines what content and at what way he wants to test, but it must have full rights to publish the test content because it will be available for other Internet users. You should also avoid writing obscene phrases, vulgar phrases, or suggest resources incompatible with Polish law. You are fully responsible for the content posted by you on the site. On the reasoned request of a third party individual entries can be removed from the site.

What are regular expressions?

A regular expression is a pattern that describes a set of strings.

  1. wikipedia.org - definition
  2. regular-expressions.info - knowledge compendium
  3. php.net - using in PHP

Where can I find examples of regular expressions?

There are a lot of examples on the internet. You should especially check this:

  1. 15 useful regular expressions in PHP [polish]
  2. regexlib.com - patterns library

I think I have found a bug in Regexp. Where can I report it?

Please submit every found bug by typing comment here (polish and english).

I am a forum user. Can I show pattern test to other users?

Yes. On ID column of every tested expression you can find hiperlink. Copy it and share, that's all.

How can I help develop website?

You can help on following cases:

  1. By free-will dotation via PayPal.
  2. By creating website translations. Currently we need this translations: german, spanish, french, italian and russian. If you are interested send me an e-mail.
  3. By adding a site to your favorite on the social networking sites.

The policy of using cookies and similar technologies.

Cookies wykorzystywane są na następujących zasadach:

  1. W związku z udostępnianiem funkcji testowania wyrażeń regularnych i personalizacją http://regexp.pl (w dalszej części zwanego „Serwisem”) stosuje cookies (tzw. ciasteczka), tj. informacje zapisywane przez serwery na urządzeniu końcowym użytkownika. Serwery mogą odczytać informacje przy każdorazowym połączeniu się z tego urządzenia końcowego lub używać innych technologii o funkcjach tożsamych z ciasteczkami. W niniejszym dokumencie, informacje dotyczące cookies mają zastosowanie również do innych podobnych technologii stosowanych w ramach Serwisu. Pliki cookies stanowią dane informatyczne, w szczególności pliki tekstowe, które przechowywane są w urządzeniu końcowym użytkownika serwisu internetowego. Cookies zazwyczaj zawierają nazwę domeny serwisu internetowego, z którego pochodzą, czas przechowywania ich na urządzeniu końcowym oraz unikalny numer.
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Terms of use and the scope of data processing.

  1. General information
    1. These regulations define the rules of using the website available at the address regexp.pl (hereinafter referred to as "website"), and in particular from the mechanisms of testing regular expressions.
    2. The author of this website is specified in footer.
    3. The main purpose of the website's existence is to test the correctness of the entered data with respect to the entered regular expressions.
    4. The nature of the site is personal and the ability to use its functionality has been made available on pro bono publico basis.
    5. The one who uses the website is reffered to "user" and the data send directly to the website by user as "data".
    6. The supplement to these regulations is "The policy of using cookies and similar technologies".
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    2. The absolute condition of using the website is to have all rights to publish data which you entered via the website.
    3. By entering any data on the website you agree to their processing and publication (eg in a history list available on the website).
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    9. Information that supports the collection of statistics may be transferred to the external Google Statistics service in accordance with Google's privacy policy.
    10. In legally justified cases, eg at the request of relevant services, individual data may be made available to authorized entities.


regular expressions tester

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With this regular expressions tester you can check correctness of a pattern and subject. Please fill up below form, submit and wait until webpage returns result.

By adding a pattern and a string to check you acknowledge that you have full rights to publicize their contents and you accept terms of use.

ID Regular expression Subject Result Matches Link
531289 1,/^$/ d adasdas
531288 /a/
<input type="text" id="dzie">
<input type="button" value="sprawdz" >

function dziesie(){
var dziesietna = document.getElementById("dzie").value;
var wzorzec = /^[0-9]{11}$/;
alert("Liczba jest dziesiętna")
else {
alert("Liczba nie jest dziesiętna")
  1. a
  2. a
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a
  6. a
  7. a
  8. a
  9. a
  10. a
  11. a
  12. a
  13. a
531287 /a/
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<input type="text" id="dzie">
<input type="button" value="sprawdz" >

function dziesie(){
var dziesietna = document.getElementById("dzie").value;
var wzorzec = /^[0-9]{11}$/;
alert("Liczba jest dziesiętna")
else {
alert("Liczba nie jest dziesiętna")

  1. a
  2. a
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a
  6. a
  7. a
  8. a
  9. a
  10. a
  11. a
  12. a
  13. a
  14. a
  15. a
  16. a
531286 /^[0-9]+$/ 9.2
531285 /^[0-9]+$/ 9
  1. 9
531284 /^[0-9]+$/ 12345321535661 true
  1. 12345321535661
531283 /^[0-9]+$/ 12345 true
  1. 12345
531282 /^[0-9]+$/ 123 456 789 01 false
531281 /^\id(11)$/ 123 456 789 false
531280 /^\d{11}$/ 123 456 789 01 false
531279 /^\d{11}$/ 12345678901 true
  1. 12345678901
531278 /a/ cock false
531277 /a/i/d/d/d/ Podrozna top false
531276 ^[/kot/]$ kot false
531275 kacper b ukradl mi sniadaniowke . false
531274 [/kot/] kot false
531273 [/kot/] kis false
531272 [/kot/] kat false
531271 /[tkfobtiu]/ krycprbycrypcccoyrpwewefyrpweweiyruyrpt true
  1. k
  2. b
  3. o
  4. f
  5. i
  6. u
  7. t
531270 /a/ antek oglada tik toki NOWAY true
  1. a
  2. a
  3. a
531269 /a/i/d/d/d/ kto kabluje ten kabluje pozdro Jakub jest czysty false
531268 [asdnf] antek wdycha cieple powietrze {GEEEEJ} false
  1. GG
  2. GG
  3. GG
  4. GG
  5. GG
  6. GG
  7. GG
  8. GG
  9. GG
  10. GG
  11. GG
  12. GG
  13. GG
  14. GG
  15. GG
  16. GG
  17. GG
  18. GG
  19. GG
  20. GG
  21. GG
  22. GG
  23. GG
  24. GG
  25. GG
  26. GG
  27. GG
  28. GG
  29. GG
  30. GG
  31. GG
  32. GG
  33. GG
  34. GG
  35. GG
  36. GG
  37. GG
  38. GG
  39. GG
  40. GG
  41. GG
  42. GG
  43. GG
  44. GG
  45. GG
  46. GG
  47. GG
  48. GG
  49. GG
  50. GG
  51. GG
531266 /a/i/d/d/d/ Co tu sie odsigmala false
531265 /a/i/d/d/d/ Antek przeklina

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